
Maintenance and after-sales service

Maintenance, emergency intervention and after-sales service for waste water treatment plants, lift pumping stations, grease separators, rain water system, water treatment ...

As manufacturer of the Zuk-O-Pur LF systems, Zuko offers maintenance under the best conditions. However, Zuko also maintains and repairs systems of other manufacturers

Maintenance is required on a yearly basis in Wallonia for WWTU (Waste Water Treatment Units). Tank emptying depends on the size of the installations (usually 1 to 4 years). The need for emptying is defined during every maintenance visit.

Besides the respect of the Regional regulations, our maintenance contract allows you to benefit from an automatic follow-up of your situation, an advance reminder for the next maintenance visit and guarantees a 72-hours intervention in case of failure.

After our visit or intervention, a report is sent with the invoice for your information. The report can be requested by Regional authorities if you want to benefit from waste water tax exemption.

Remote supervision of your installation can be set-up complementary to your standard maintenance contract.

Remote supervision of your installation can be set-up complementary to your standard maintenance contract.

How can we help you? Contact us!